Dr. MOVSESSIAN, Tigran Hakob
Founding member
(1999) and Treasurer (2001) of
Senior research
associate, Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO)
Head of the
Laboratory of the 2.6m telescope (1998)
Lecturer at Department
of Astrophysics, Yerevan State University (YSU)
Member of the
BAO Scientific Council
Born 8.11.1955
Graduated from
Works at BAO
since 1979
Ph.D. degree (1992)
Member of the
European Astronomical Society (EAS)
fields: young stellar objects, stellar jets, BCDGs, instrumentation
Publications: more
than 50 papers in Astron. J., Astron. Astrophysics.,
Astrophysics, Mem. SAIt., Astron. Reports, Baltic Astronomy, PASJ, and ChJAA, papers in proceedings of international meetings
Address: Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory
Byurakan 378433, Aragatzotn province, Armenia
Tel.: +374-10-56-90-40
E-mail: tigmov@bao.sci.am,